
Weekend trip pt.2

  Hi guys :) Glad to see some of you back from reading pt.1 of my weekend trip. Now since you’re here, let me finis h telling you what went down on my trip to Barstow .  The drive to Barstow was very quick and easy.  Our group stopped on the way to grab snacks and camping gear from Walmart and then started heading towards the festival. When we got to the festival, we were welcomed by many punk and metal lovers as well as some skateboarders we knew from Las Vegas. The festival itself was quite the experience for someone who has never been to a punk show. The bands that performed at the festival played loud, mean, and wild. I enjoyed meeting a lot of the listeners at the event since they all were very down to earth and had many crazy stories to share.  My favorite part of the festival was the skateboarding that was going down on the side of the stage where the bands played. There was a pump track and an empty pool that many of the guests were skating in. My friends managed to grab a pho

Where have I Been? On a weekend trip pt.1

Hello everyone :) I apologize for the delay in my postings. After dealing (and still dealing) with the infuriatingly slow internet connection and a cram packed work schedule for a couple of weeks, I finally made it on here and I'm more than ready to share a little bit of my day-to-day life with you all.  So with that out of the way, let's talk about what I did over the weekend :) If you don't know already, I am absolutely in love with skateboarding. On a typical day off, I do a ton of skating and filming with friends and other associates. A few days ago, one of my filmers brought to my attention that this awesome skate/ punk music festival was taking place over the weekend in Barstow, California. This festival, according to the flyers, was taking place on a 5.8 acre land where there is plenty of space for social distancing as well as masks and hand sanitizer being provided at the entrance. I was super excited for this event that I quickly made arrangements with my filmer an

My First Impressions of CSN in 2020

 Currently in the year 2020, I've started my college life for the first time at CSN. As a new student, I find my college experience so far to be insane due to the challenges sparked by COVID-19. Switching from an in-person instruction to a live-remote setting is something that will take time for me to get used to since my internet connection can be tricky to control at times. However, all of the tools, resources, and support provided by the instructors so far has made me feel confident that I can make it through my first year at CSN without too much hassle.