My First Impressions of CSN in 2020

 Currently in the year 2020, I've started my college life for the first time at CSN. As a new student, I find my college experience so far to be insane due to the challenges sparked by COVID-19. Switching from an in-person instruction to a live-remote setting is something that will take time for me to get used to since my internet connection can be tricky to control at times. However, all of the tools, resources, and support provided by the instructors so far has made me feel confident that I can make it through my first year at CSN without too much hassle.


  1. Yes, switching from in-person to live-remote is definitely challenging for a hands-on class like Introduction to Information Systems.

    I am glad to hear your instructors are providing the tools, resources, and support you need to succeed in your first semester :-)

    Welcome to College of Southern Nevada and IS101-3022, Jacqueline ^_^

  2. Its your first time in college. Its going to be hectic but it will ease up later on. Keep pushing and remember at the end of all the hard work, you will see it was all worth it.

  3. I cannot imagine what it must have been like to have to abruptly switch from in-person to live-remote. With my job, I was already working for home, but they sent the entire office home in mid-March. They were not prepared for that and had so many technical issues to work through. It definitely helps to have supportive professors to work with us through these strange times :)

  4. Welcome to the life of a college student. Beginning college in the middle of pandemic and still fulfilling your course requirements with internet issues, shows the strength in your character. Your college career will be full of success and rewarding.

  5. It seems that CSN has plenty of resources to make sure you succeed during your first semester as a college student even with a global pandemic. Here's to a great first semester and a wonderful beginning to your future.

  6. We have mutual feelings that this semester is off to a hectic start. I have been enrolled in several online classes at CSN in the past, and this is the first semester that I find nearly double the amount of coursework for each of my courses. We can do this~ I'm working on my anxiety due to the constant battle against the clock! :-)

  7. Just like everything else in life, new things can seem unreachable at first but will slow down with time. Take it day by day and week and week. Too many students focus on graduation but forget about all of the other small important steps before graduation. It may seem long, but in the end it will all be worth it.

  8. I agree this year has been crazy, especially due to the pandemic. I'm sure with time it'll become easier getting a handle on the college portion of life. Good luck with your education.

  9. This pandemic has definitely thrown off so many things. The bright side is that after this is over we will be more equipped the skills to survive if another world issue like this pops off. I said this at the beginning of the pandemic, this will serve as a world wide wake up call to the dangers of the viruses in an increasingly globalized world. Scientist have been predicting an event like this for decades and few governments took them seriously. At least now we are all aware of the importance of sanitation and taking precautions against diseases.

  10. I agree it is a challenging time for school with covid-19, but life has challenges and obstacles that we must over come. Focus on what your end goal is.

  11. Online based classes have never been my taste or strong suit. When I heard that we were switching do to Covid19, I panicked. I understand how you feel about transitioning, and hopefully we can get through it effortlessly. Good luck!


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