Weekend trip pt.2

 Hi guys :) Glad to see some of you back from reading pt.1 of my weekend trip. Now since you’re here, let me finish telling you what went down on my trip to Barstow

The drive to Barstow was very quick and easy.  Our group stopped on the way to grab snacks and camping gear from Walmart and then started heading towards the festival. When we got to the festival, we were welcomed by many punk and metal lovers as well as some skateboarders we knew from Las Vegas. The festival itself was quite the experience for someone who has never been to a punk show. The bands that performed at the festival played loud, mean, and wild. I enjoyed meeting a lot of the listeners at the event since they all were very down to earth and had many crazy stories to share. 

My favorite part of the festival was the skateboarding that was going down on the side of the stage where the bands played. There was a pump track and an empty pool that many of the guests were skating in. My friends managed to grab a photo and video of me riding into the deep side of the empty pool on my skateboard. 

For hours at a time, my friends and I would go back and forth between watching bands play and skateboarding. Everything was going really well... up until I slammed my face really hard onto the concrete from skateboarding. Long story short, someone’s child was right in the middle of the pump track that everyone was skating through. I was skating really fast through the track until I noticed the child right in the middle of my path. To avoid hitting this child at full speed, I attempted to stop my board completely. Things got ugly fast when in a blink of an eye, my board slipped out beneath my feet and I slipped backwards, smacking my right cheekbone into the concrete. For a moment, I was in shock that I might’ve broken my cheekbone. Instantly I could feel the swelling of my cheekbone resemble that of a golf ball and the bruises started taking form all around my cheek and eye area. After a while, the swelling finally calmed down and I was only left with what looked like a black eye. Luckily, the child was not harmed at all during the sequence of events and I was only left with a bruise instead of a break. Here’s a small picture of the aftermath a few hours later. 

The bands stopped playing at 10pm and those who decided to stay overnight had started to break out their tents. My friends started a fire pit and we all chatted over the flames until we fell asleep. The next day, we started packing up our equipment and began saying our final goodbyes to everyone before making our way towards Las Vegas.

Now my question to you guys: What was your most memorable trip? 


  1. Glad it ended up a bruise instead of a break :-) Very glad you had fun ^_^ This is definitely needed in this time of pandemic!

  2. Great to hear upon your arrival, you were immediately greeted with a warm welcome. Very cool that they converted the empty swimming pool into a skating area and that you were able to capture this moment and share with us. It’s something you’ll remember for a long time. Life is all about memories, and I am so happy that you were able to create this one.

  3. Sounds like a very fun weekend. I hope your bruise is healing up, it looks very painful! I'm always impressed with how much pain skateboarders endure, and still keep skating.

  4. You are a badass!!! I'm glad that you are ok and the child was unharmed as well. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend and the picture and video are awesome. Have you seen the show Betty on HBO? I think you would dig it.

  5. That's great that you managed to find a source of entertainment and joy in these trying times. If you enjoyed your first concert go to as many as you can before life makes it difficult to go to them.

  6. Looks like you had a blast. The video showcases your talent, the kid was never in danger with you riding the skateboard. Thanks for sharing your trip to Barstow.

  7. Thank you for sharing your video, seems like you were having a good time, hope you get better soon.

  8. Wow, its sounds like a fun festival to go to. My most memorable trip is going camping in Texas at a place called Sky Ranch when I was in Elementary.

  9. The festival sounds pretty cool. Glad you were able to move out of the way and didn't break anything.

  10. That's such as badass experience, I have only been to a couple of house shows, but I love the scene. I was barely getting into the artsy show scene before the pandemic, I've always been too much of a nerd to know where the cool stuffs going down, but I'm looking forward to go to more shows once things are back to normal.


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